WEB SITE DESIGNED BY: ®2 & Skawennati Tricia Fragnito
With the assistance of the Banff Centre For The Arts Aboriginal Interactive Media: Electronic Publishing and MultimediaAPRIL 5 - 10, 1998
Coordinators, Curators and Contributors
Ryan Rice, Skawennati Tricia Fragnito, Eric Robertson, Catherine Mattes, Audra Simpson
To all of the Artists who participate, and believe in our creative communities!
To all those who have contributed to our events/exhibitions in one way or another, $$$ and support;
To Banff Centre Technical Support Staff, Melanie Printup Hope (Web Coaching), Rebecca Baird (Proofreader);
To Celine Robertson, Canadian Museum Of Civilization;
and the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation.
Email: ryrice@yahoo.com or skawennati@yahoo.com
Ryan Rice c/o Nation to Nation Box 498 Kahnawake, QC J0L 1B0 Tel:(514)638-4437